Movie Marathon Part 2

The movie series, continued!

Spoiler alert! If you have not yet watched some version of the Nutcracker, or Big Hero 6, Star Trek Into Darkness, Edward Scissorhands, Into the Woods, The Great Gatsby, Interstellar, Paddington, The Shawshank Redemption, or Captain America: The Winter Soldier, you likely will not wish to have often key elements of their plots/significance ruined by the posts in this series. Watch the movies and then come back if you’d like 🙂

Continue reading

Movie Marathon Part 1

Owing to the fact that I have very thankfully been on spring break, I have finally been able to do a movie marathon! Since I’ve watched no less than nine movies within the past week, I will probably have two (or maybe three-depends how much I write about Interstellar :p) separate posts concerning this marathon. xD It’s been an exciting week, but it’s nearly time for it to end, as school starts back up on Monday.

Spoiler alert! If you have not yet watched some version of the Nutcracker, or Big Hero 6, Star Trek Into Darkness, Edward Scissorhands, Into the Woods, The Great Gatsby, Interstellar, Paddington, The Shawshank Redemption, or Captain America: The Winter Soldier, you likely will not wish to have often key elements of their plots/significance ruined by the following posts. Watch them and then come back if you’d like 🙂

Without further ado, the movies! Continue reading

Farewell, 2014

It’s been an interesting roller coaster of a year, but now it’s (just about) time to say goodbye.

Some highlights, in roughly chronological order:

  • IB Chemistry gang sign +amis
  • Conquering the SAT
  • Finishing swim season undefeated for our retiring coach
  • Conquering the SAT, take 2
  • Pit orchestra yay!
  • FBLA State–we were a bit disappointed with our school’s results, but we had tons of fun and that’s what matters most 🙂
  • Somehow surviving AP and IB exams
  • Unable to attend ARML 😦
  • Tour–great way to end my Youth Symphony ride
  • Reunions and chaos and new friends and old, and through it all, the constant of math! (or should that be π? Or e?)
  • Start of senior year and all its stress and fun
  • Unable to attend MPfG 😦
  • Procrastination
  • At long last, true analysis of a Shakespeare play–Macbeth!
  • Becoming an ‘adult,’ the horror 😮
  • Moor reunions and hangouts and chaotic awesomeness! 😀
  • Lots of procrastination
  • Calligraphy, anime, music, math
  • College apps–COMPLETE! Along with a temporary vanquishing of purple flaming zebras!
  • ~Family, friends, and fun~

Looking forward to 2015–thanks for all the memories and fun!

NaNo Day 25: Ramblings

Author’s Note: I have gotten severely tired of writer’s block and thus will be attempting something of a stream of consciousness post below.

It has been far too long since I have actually completed anything even slightly productive. While I do understand that it is break, I feel like some deadlines are drawing dangerously close (and others have long passed.. oops…) for me to continue putting off work. I was supposed to complete a math problem set nearly twelve hours ago, but decided to instead focus on catching up on Berkeley’s edX course The Science of Happiness (which I had also, incidentally, long fallen behind on until today..).

Moreover, Continue reading

NaNo Day 22

Author’s Note: I know I haven’t been updating daily – posts for days 18, 20, and 21 are still in progress because there are some rough patches I wanted to work out and ponder further. Sorry about the delays and all of these sporadic happenings; I’m now on break, so updates should be able to happen more frequently! Without further ado, here’s today’s post!

I’ve frequently pondered many things of late, and I think that this pensiveness has resulted in some apparently depressing sentiments to show through my thoughts, words, and actions of the past week or so. For instance, consider the following flash fiction story written in response to a prompt in French class (those actually skilled in French, I humbly request your gracious pardon at the no doubt many errors in the following piece, for this was written in constrained time without the aid of dictionaries, etc….):

<<Et c’est ainsi qu’en 2050 la population a quitté toutes les villes pour aller habiter dans les campagnes.>> Racontez l’histoire qui se termine par cette phrase. Cette histoire sera publiée dans le magazine pour jeunes Futurs. Continue reading

NaNo Day 4: Hobbies for Enjoyment

I promised a more lighthearted, optimistic post today, so here goes!

As you know from my post on procrastination, I’m not exactly an extremely disciplined person, haha. In fact, I spend the vast majority of my time basically just doing what I want to. Which is probably why I’m such a chronic procrastinator, hmm…oops…

But anyway, several of my friends were interested in what I actually do with my time, since I often tell them about how much I procrastinate and the like. As such, I’ve attempted to categorize the foremost ways I spend my time during the day, arranged roughly by how much time is spent on that activity per week on average but more accurately by how highly I attempt to prioritize these aspects of my life. Enjoy! Continue reading


November 1st marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month! Participants must write 50,000 words in 30 days in order to win bragging rights and receive cool badges on It doesn’t truly matter how this quota is achieved (provided you’re not doing something annoyingly silly such as writing the word ‘pi’ 50,000 times), though the more purist individuals will contend that one must actually write a (portion of a) novel, a cohesive, large text organized almost always with a beginning, middle, and end.

In the past, I’ve tried that–let’s just say it didn’t really work out. I have a tendency to either ramble on and on and on (so that the story never really has an ending) and/or to randomly create a bunch of stale characters/geographical locations that never end up being used due to my complete failure at planning.

I may try blogging this year, then. What with midterms and applications and everything else, I completely forgot to plan for NaNoWriMo this year (oops), so we’ll see what happens later today (quota for the first day is 1667 words!).

At any rate, if I do indeed decide to blog 50,000 words (or at least, attempt to), I’m already more than 200 words into the quota! And if I decide to do another type of media, oh well–it’s only around 200 words, after all.

Good luck to everyone else undertaking the challenge this year!

A Game

One of my friends recently invited me to play a game that entailed me answering three questions. It was an interesting, rather thought-provoking experience, so I thought I’d share it.

The Questions

Q1: What treatment is administered by ear?

Q2: What is the meaning of life?

Q3: How many asparaguses make up the entirety of the trees at [insert university]?

(A word of warning: Being the random person I am, I naturally did not respond in order. Rather, my thought process was quite jumbled and disorderly, and it ran something like the following.) Continue reading

Why a Blog?

Excellent question. I’m not completely sure myself. However, I will list some major reasons below that almost certainly influenced my decision to actually create a blog.

  • Working on and customizing it is infinitely more fun than studying for standardized tests.
  • The journal I have been using to gather my thoughts is running out of pages.
  • Related to the above: Books are expensive, blogs are free, and I am broke.
  • Yes, peer pressure had some positive magnitude of influence. And peer example, for that matter.
  • I was interested in finding out what maintaining a blog would actually be like.
  • This shall lead to increased entropy in the universe!

On the other hand, projects like this that I’ve attempted to undertake in the past just ended up devolving into nothing over time, so at this point, I’m not sure how often I’ll update. I will say, however, that it definitely won’t be every day. My muse just isn’t that creative. (Though it will definitely be faster at generating new ideas if viewer participation occurs! *hint hint*)

Anyway, whether this actually becomes a sometimes-updated blog or not, it’ll be an adventure, and I’ll have tried something new! And hopefully, I’ll have discovered more about myself along the way as well.

Thanks for reading!